City: Rogatica

23. February 2016.
A protected state prosecution witness said defendant Emir Drakovac tortured a captured member of the Bosnian Serb Army in Zebina Suma in the municipality of Foca during the Bosnian war. The witness testified at the trial of four former members of the Bosnian Army charged with crimes in the Rogatica and Foca area.

9. February 2016.
Mile Kušić je optužen zajedno s Radomirom Markovićem, Draganom Božovićem, Sašom Perkovićem, Radomirom Gluhovićem, Perom Radovićem te Ilijom i Milošem Vukašinovićem, da su, u okviru širokog i sistematičnog napada, u periodu od aprila do septembra 1992. učestvovali u napadu i ubistvima počinjenim nad nesrpskim civilnim stanovništvom.