City: Prijedor


20. May 2016.
Mirsad Hodzic, also known as Abu Dzafer, a former member of the Bosnian Army’s El Mujahid detachment, is accused of abducting and torturing three Croat civilians in Travnik in 1993. The state prosecution filed an indictment against Hodzic on Friday, accusing him of abducting three Croat civilians and threatening them with weapons in the Travnik area in October 1993 in order to exchange them for captured members of the El Mujahid Ddetachment.


19. April 2016.
Na suđenju Ratku Mladiću, vještak Odbrane za sudsku medicinu Zoran Stanković zatražio je da se uradi novo vještačenje o tijelima iz masovne grobnice Tomašica kod Prijedora, zbog određenih neslaganja koje je uočio u nalazima patologa Haškog tužilaštva.