Ponedjeljak, 24 Februara 2025.
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The second indictee transferred from the Hague Tribunal to the Court of BiH pleads not guilty to all charges.

Gojko Jankovic, the second war crimes indictee to be transfered from the Hague war crimes tribunal to the War Crimes Chamber in Sarajevo, on Thursday pleaded «not guilty» to all charges in the indictement.

Jankovic stands accused of crimes against humanity. The indictment alleges that, between April1992 and February 1993, as a leader of a paramilitary group, acting in coordination with the Foca-based brigade of the Army of Republika Srpska,Jankovic took part in a large-scale and systematic attack on the non-Serb population of this eastern Bosnian town. It is alleged the accused took part inthe unlawful imprisonment, killing and sexual abuse of non-Serbs.

Jankovic was transferred to Bosnia and Herzegovina on 8 December last year as part of the completion strategy of the Hague tribunal. Radovan Stankovic, who is also accused of crimes committed in Foca, was the first indictee to be sent from the UN court to Sarajevo.

The state prosecutor adapted and widened the original indictment against Jankovic, which wasaccepted by the Court of BiH on February 20.

Jankovic's council Miodrag Stojanovic has been replaced by Milan Trbojevic. The court has yet to announce the commencement of hearings in this case.

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