No Knowledge of Hodzics Behaviour
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After I left the Batkovic camp for Gornji Rahic on July 15, 1992, I saw Hodzic for the first time, he was a military policeman then. After that I was transferred to the police. I was at that position at the time of the attack on Bukvik and nearby villages, added Haseljic, explaining that the action at Bukvik was carried out in mid-September 1992.
He said that by the order of the then commander of 108th Brigade of the Croatian Defence Council from September 20, 1992, he was appointed company commander in the Military Police and thus Nijaz Hodzics superior.
The indictment specifies that Nijaz Hodzic, together with Galib Hadzic, participated in the torture and inhuman behaviour against Serb civilians and prisoners of war from the territory of Bukvik (Brcko District) in 1992 and 1993.
The Prosecution believes that Hadzic was criminal inspector of the Brcko police station, and Hodzic military policeman with the Croatian Defence Council, who was at the time in charge of the camp and concentration centres security.
Since Haseljic confirmed he was appointed company commander of the Military Police only on September 20, 1992, and the indictment charges Hodzic for the events that occurred on September 19, his lawyer, Osman Mulahalilovic, did not question the witness.
Mulahalilovic pointed out that Haseljic cannot testify about Hodzics behaviour during the action in Bukvik and his treatment of prisoners.
The trial will resume on April 22.