The far-right is creating a ‘them against us’ narrative in the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to pick up followers and spread hate. And Balkan states are not immune, according...
They like patriotic rallies and patrolling the streets. They dislike vaccines, migrants and “the system”. And they have the support of one in 10 Serbs on Facebook.
In an attempt to prevent infections within its detention facilities, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague has restricted family visits for former Kosovo Liberation Army leaders who are awaiting...
Delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic made the slow progress of war crimes trials in Serbia even slower in 2020, delaying justice even longer, says a new report by the...
Trials with large numbers of defendants cannot resume because of the problem of safe social distancing at the Bosnian state court, which will further slow the process of dealing with...
The repatriation of Bosnian women and children who lived in territory controlled by the so-called Islamic State and are now in camps in Syria has been postponed indefinitely because of...
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Constitutional Court is to rule on whether banning minors and people over 65 from leaving their homes because of the coronavirus pandemic breaches their civic rights.
Issues of conflict of interest have arisen after a company owned by a town councillor in Srebrenik was recently entrusted with construction of a COVID isolation facility in the town.