At the status conference before the start of the evidence hearing by the defence of Edin Dzeko, who is charged with crimes committed in Jablanica and Trusina, the Trial Chamber accepted all the witnesses proposed for examination.
During the trial for crimes in Jablanica a State Prosecution witness says that indictee Nihad Bojadzic stabbed a knife into his leg during an examination following his capture in June 1993.
At the trial of Nihad Bojadzic, former deputy commander of the Zulfikar detachment of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the witness for the prosecution recalled the arrival of two raped women to the wartime hospital in Jablanica in early August 1993.
By presenting the last 19 documents, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina completes the presentation of evidence at the trial of Edin Dzeko, who is charged with crimes in Trusina village, near Konjic, and Jablanica.
Presenting its appeal against a verdict, under which Sabit Skampo was sentenced to six years in prison for crimes in Jablanica, the Defence requests the Supreme Court of FBiH to either acquit the indictee of charges or order a new trial.
Former Bosnian Army serviceman Edin Dzeko, accused of killing and illegally detaining Croats during the 1990s conflict, has been released on bail in the midst of his trial.
While some consider the first instance verdict against six former Herceg-Bosna leaders shameful and unfair, others say it is a historical decision, which proves that crimes were committed in the Herzegovina and Central Bosnia area.
The Hague Tribunal has convicted six Bosnian Croat leaders of war crimes in the short-lived unrecognised statelet of Herzeg-Bosna, giving them sentences totalling 111 years.
During the continuation of the trial of Edin Dzeko, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina includes, in the case file, about 85 pieces of material evidence, some of which pertain to crimes committed in Trusina village, near Konjic, and Jablanica during 1993.
Testifying about a crime in Trusina, near Konjic, a former member of the Zulfikar Squad with the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, says that his comrade Edin Dzeko shot a woman in her genitals.