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Prosecutor Emir Neradin introduced praises for 25 soldiers, which indictee Bojadzic signed in his capacity as Commander in 1994. According to document presented before, Bojadzic was Deputy Commander of the Zulfikar Special Squad of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, until 1994. The Squad was transferred to the Fourth Corps of ABiH in 1994 and its title was changed to the Fourth Reconnaissance Battalion.
The Prosecutor said that State prosecution witnesses, whom the Defence discredited during the trial by saying that they participated in mistreatment of detainees in November 1993, were among the praised soldiers. Bojadzics Defence objected, saying that the evidence introduced at this hearing were irrelevant.
Bojadzic is on trial, along with Mensur Memic, Dzevad Salcin and Nedzad Hodzic, former members of Zulfikar Squad, and Senad Hakalovic, former member of the Neretvica Brigade of ABiH, for having committed crimes in Trusina on April 16, 1993.
According to the charges, 18 civilians and four members of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, who had previously surrendered, were killed in the ABiH attack on Trusina.
The trial is due to continue on November 10.