The trial of Luka Majstorovic has been renewed after the district court of Eastern Sarajevo repealed his acquittal. Majstorovic has been charged with crimes in Kula in Eastern Sarajevo.
Testifying before the district court of Eastern Sarajevo at the trial of Milenko Krsmanovic, a court medical expert said injured party Muhidin Kapo suffered injuries to his right ankle and right fist in July 1992.
Three witness expected to testify for the district prosecution of Eastern Sarajevo at the trial of Zarije Ostojic failed to appear in court again. Ostojic has been charged with crimes in Vlasenica.
Testifying at a trial dealing with crimes in Trnovo, defense witnesses said defendant Igor Milosevic was in Serbia during his alleged wartime crimes, and continued living there after the end of the war.
Testifying at the trial of four former members of the Bosnian Army, a witness for the district prosecution of Eastern Sarajevo said he heard rumours that bodies had been found in Ladjeva Stijena in 1992. He said it was assumed that the bodies belonged to those of Serb captives, as the area around them had been mined.
The trial of Milan Komad, charged with crimes in the Visegrad area, will begin on February 18. During the first hearing the indictment will be read, introductory statements will be presented and the first witness for the district prosecution of Eastern Sarajevo will be examined.
Testifying at the Milenko Krsmanovic trial, a district prosecution witness said he and another policeman transported the injured party in the case from Sokolac to Rogatica.
Three district prosecution witnesses failed to appear at today’s hearing of the Zarije Ostojic trial at the district court of Eastern Sarajevo. Ostojic has been charged with war crimes in Vlasenica.
A district prosecution witness testifying at the trial of four former members of the Bosnian Army said he heard that beaten captives from Trovrh had been brought to the Gorazde police station.
Defense witnesses testifying at the trial of Igor Milosevic said they heard the defendant was in Serbia in 1994 and didn’t see him until after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.