The State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA, arrested Slavko Bilbija in the Prijedor area due to a suspicion that he committed crimes against civilians in Sanski Most municipality.
Testifying at the trial of five indictees, who are charged with crimes in Bihac and Cazin, two Bihac Cantonal Prosecution witnesses confirm that they participated in an exchange on March 11, 1995, when 30 former members of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, were physically and mentally mistreated.
Testifying at the trial of five indictees, who are charged with crimes in the Bihac and Cazin areas, before the Cantonal Court in Bihac, Prosecution witnesses say that they found out about the mistreatment of prisoners in a bus after the opening of the investigation.
The continuation of the trial of six indictees, who are charged with war crimes in Kljuc, before the Cantonal Court in Bihac has been postponed due to the poor health of indictee Milan Lukic.
Testifying before the Cantonal Court in Bihac, Prosecution witnesses say that unknown soldiers mistreated prisoners, who were taken to an exchange by bus in March 1995.
As the trial of Sulejman Mujagic before the Cantonal Court in Bihac continues, witness Ibrahim Rosic says that the indictee did not kill a member of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, in March 1995.
Testifying before the Cantonal Court in Bihac, four Prosecution witnesses say that unknown soldiers mistreated them in a bus on their way to an exchange location in March 1995.
Testifying at a trial before the Cantonal Court in Bihac, four Prosecution witnesses say that unknown soldiers mistreated them inside a bus, when they were transported to an exchange location in March 1995.
The State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA, arrests Dusko Solesa in Banja Luka. The Cantonal Prosecution in Bihac suspects Solesa of crimes against civilians in 1992.
Testifying in his defence before the Cantonal Court in Bihac, indictee Sulejman Mujagic says that the death of detainees can in no way be associated with me and that he has only partial memories of that event.