Dženita Duraković

18. April 2014.
Dokazni postupak Optužbe protiv petorice vojnih policajaca 5. korpusa Armije BiH (ABiH) optuženih za ratni zloèin protiv ratnih zarobljenika završen je pred Kantonalnim sudom u Bihaæu saslušanjem vještaka i ulaganjem materijalnih dokaza.

21. March 2014.
Testifying at the trial of five former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, who are charged with crimes in Bihac and Cazin, a forensic expert explains that he filtered a video recording of the exchange of prisoners, which is used as one of the pieces of evidence at this trial.

28. February 2014.
The Cantonal Court in Bihac interrupts the examination of a Prosecution witness at the trial of five indictees, who are charged with having beaten prisoners of war in March 1995, due to an existence of the fear that he might expose himself to criminal prosecution by answering the questions.