A witness at the trial of five Bosniak military policemen, charged with crimes against prisoners of war in northern Bosnia in 1995, said detainees who were being set free were beaten first.
The Cantonal Court in Bihac confirms an indictment against Milutin Babic, charging him with crimes against prisoners of war in the Bosanski Petrovac area in the summer of 1992.
Prijedor citizens are dissatisfied with the work of prosecutions and courts, because they are still waiting for perpetrators of hundreds of murders committed in 1992 to be processed, says Edin Ramulic of the Izvor Association.
The Bihac Cantonal Court pronounces Slobodan Dragic guilty of crimes against the civilian population in Kljuc and sentences him to five years in prison.
Slobodan Dragic, who is charged with crimes in Kljuc, reaches a guilt admission agreement, so the Trial Chamber of the Cantonal Court in Bihac separates his case from the case against the four other indictees.
The Bihac Cantonal Court postpones the beginning of the trial of Slavko Bilbija, who is charged with crimes against civilians in the Sanski Most area, because the Defence requests the referral of the case to another court.