A defense witness testifying at the trial of Goran Sladoje and Slobodan Bogdanovic said Sladoje wasn’t present when an injured party in the case was killed.
The cantonal prosecution of Sarajevo has charged Sladoje and Bogdanovic with abducting civilians Bajro and Suad Besic from their home in the Kovacici neighbourhood of Sarajevo on June 13, 1992. They allegedly took them to a garage and beat them. The prosecution claims the defendants then took the civilians to Sarajevo’s Jewish cemetery, where they were used as human shields. Suad Besic was killed as a result.
Slavko Tosovic, a resident of the Kovacici neighbourhood, testified at today’s trial. He said he and others stood guard and were present during the attack on their neighbourhood on June 12-13, 1992.
Tosovic said he was with his neighbours in a house when the attack began. He said they ran out one by one, and saw “a group from the other side enter the Jewish cemetery.” He said he heard screaming and saw wounded people.
Tosovic said after the situation calmed down, he heard bursts of gunfire and saw uniformed men at the fence of the Jewish cemetery. He said he heard screams from inside the cemetery.
“Later, we heard that Sinisa Tosovic was wounded, Zoran Klaric was killed and that Goran Sladoje drove them away,” Tosovic said. He said he heard that individuals from Rogatica or Sokolac killed Suad Besic.
Tosovic said that all the Bosniak residents of the neighbourhood could live safely with them, and that the Bosniak residents who remained were protected.
The trial will continue on September 30, when the defense will present material evidence.