12 Witnesses’ Testimony Discounted in Livno Trial

19. October 2016.15:42
Twelve witnesses’ testimony was discounted in the trial of a former Croatian Defence Council fighter for wartime crimes in Livno because the defendant’s lawyer was suspended.

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Judge Zeljka Marenic told the state court on Wednesday that the 12 witnesses had given their testimony in vain because defence lawyer Bajro Cilic was temporarily banned from carrying out his duties at the time.

Marenic explained that the court had received information from the Regional Attorneys’ Chamber in Sarajevo several days ago which indicated that

Cilic had been banned from practicing law for a period of six months.

Cilic’s ban expired on October 1, but the 12 witnesses had given evidence in court before it expired.

“In that period [during the suspension], we examined 12 defence witnesses, including five protected witnesses, who should now be re-examined,” Marenic said.

The judge said that Cilic had been “irresponsible” and that once he was given the ban, he had a moral obligation to inform the court and the defendant.

Cilic meanwhile asked the trial chamber to resolve the situation so the defendant would not “suffer”.

Defendant Zdenko Andabak said he did not know what the legal procedures were, so he had to consult with someone.

The trial chamber told Andabak that he should indicate whether he would like to keep Cilic as his lawyer or choose a new one within the next ten days.

Andabak is charged with leading an operation in the village of Grborezi on July 21, 1993, when members of the Second Light Assault Battalion of the Military Police with the Croatian Defence Council killed one person and wounded another.

The indictment alleges that members of the battalion then wounded one more person, who Andabak killed.

It is further alleged that the defendant went on to physically abuse a civilian, ordering him to lie on the ground. He then stepped on the civilian’s stomach and broke two of his teeth with a rifle butt.

According to the charges, Andabak was assistant chief of the Military Police Authority for the North-Western Herzegovina Operational Zone of the

Croatian Defence Council and commander of the Second Light Assault Battalion of the Croatian Defence Council Military Police.

Cilic also represents Andabak in another case which is currently ongoing at the state court.

Lamija Grebo

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