Nedjelja, 23 Februara 2025.
Sedmični pregled našeg najboljeg materijala
Prijavom potvrđujete da imate više od 16 godina i slažete se da povremeno primate promotivne ponude za programe koji podržavaju novinarstvo Možete se odjaviti ili prilagoditi svoje postavke u bilo kojem trenutku.
The state prosecution has charged Mile Puljic, the former commander of the Second Battalion of the Second Brigade of the Croatian Defense Council, with participating in a joint criminal enterprise which involved enforced disappearances, arrests, detention, forced labour on the frontlines, and the use of human shields in the Mostar area from May 1993 to March 1994.

The indictment alleges that 11 Bosniaks were killed and 70 more wounded while performing forced labour or while being used as human shields.

State prosecution witness Adem Vranovic said members of the Croatian Defense Council abducted him from his home in Mostar and took him to the Dretelj detention camp in June 1993. He spent one month in detention in Dretelj before being transferred to the Heliodrom detention camp.

He said he met prisoners from Mostar, Capljina and Prozor upon his arrival to Heliodrom, living in poor conditions.

“We slept on the floor, and on the concrete, and we had to get permission if we wanted to drink water,” Vranovic said.

Vranovic said he was detained in Heliodrom until December 1993, and was forced to perform forced labour on Santiceva Street in Mostar during his detention.

“I was taken out several times, I don’t know how many times, but I know that we weren’t allowed to refuse. The guards would tell us what to do, and they’d also beat us, mostly by kicking us, or by using the butts of their guns.” Vranovic said.

Vranovic said he was wounded in the left leg while working. During cross-examination, Vranovic couldn’t say on which part of Santiceva Street he was wounded. He said he didn’t know the defendant.

Mustafa Tuce, who was detained in the Heliodrom detention camp from July to August 1993, also testified at today’s hearing. He said he was beaten once while working.

“I received a strong blow to the head which knocked me unconscious. I don’t remember who hit me, or how or why. All I know is I was hit on the head,” Tuco said. He said he no longer was forced to work afterwards.

The trial continues on July 8, when three additional state prosecution witnesses will testify.

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