A State Prosecution witness says that, on April 16, 1993 unknown soldiers attacked Trusina village, went into Smiljko Kresa's house and killed him, and then began swearing and shooting at women and children.
Testifying at the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, a State Prosecution witness says that he did not see indictee Nihad Bojadzic among Zuka's soldiers one day prior to the attack on Trusina village, Konjic municipality, which was conducted on April 16, 1993.
A witness for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina claimed that indictee Zulfikar Alispago was not the commander of the Zulfikar Special Purposes Detachment at the time when, according to the indictment, the detachments members committed murders of civilians and prisoners of war in Trusina, in April 1993.
At the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina charged with crimes in Trusina, a protected witness said that he saw indictees Dzevad Salcin and Nedzad Hodzic when part of the Special Purposes Detachment attacked the village in April 1993.
At a plea hearing before the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nihad Bojadzic claimed he is not guilty of the crimes in Jablanica.
At the trial of six former members of Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina charged with crimes against Croats in Konjic, a witness for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina recalled that in April, 1993, he had seen clashes in the village of Trusina and learnt that civilians and members of the Croatian Defence Council were killed.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina files a motion with the State Court, requesting it to order custody for Nihad Bojadzic, who is charged with crimes in Jablanica in 1993.
At the trial for crimes in Trusina (municipality of Konjic), a witness for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that he personally signed over 150 reports for criminal acts filed against members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the zone of jurisdiction of the Fourth Corps of Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but none for a war crime.
On request of the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the State Court remanded in custody Edin Dzeko, under suspicion of committing crimes in Trusina, municipality of Konjic, in 1993.
According to the decision of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Edin Dzeko, former member of the Zulfikar Special Purposes Detachment with the High Command of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be held in custody for a month, until January 21, 2012.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina has requested from the State Court to remand in custody Edin Dzeko, under suspicion of committing crimes in the territory of the municipality of Konjic.