A state prosecution witness identified defendant Gligor Begovic in the courtroom, and said he was the guard who hit him on the head when he arrived at the Batkovic detention camp in Bijeljina n 1992.
The state prosecution and defense presented material evidence at the trial of Gligor Begovic. Begovic has been charged with war crimes at the Batkovic detention center in the municipality of Bijeljina.
A state prosecution witness said Gligor Begovic beat him, his father, and other detainees held at the Batkovic detention facility, and that his father died as a result of his injuries.
Former Bosnian Serb soldier Gligor Begovic, charged with crimes allegedly committed at the Batkovic detention camp in Bijeljina in 1992, failed to appear in court today due to bad weather conditions.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Batkovic detention camp, a State Prosecution witness says that Gligor Begovic beat him several times during the course of his detention.
The first State Prosecution witness, testifying at the trial for crimes in Batkovic detention camp, says that Gligor Begovic beat him up every day during his two-and-a-half month detention in that facility.