Albanci koji su pristali da svedoče u slučajevima protiv bivših pripadnika Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova (OVK) strahuju da bi zbog curenja dokumenata iz Specijalnog suda njihov identitet mogao biti otkriven.
To many who trace their roots to socialist Yugoslavia, ‘Yugo-nostalgia’ isn’t just about how they or their families once lived, but about the life they want to live now.
They are Muslims like the majority of Kosovo Albanians, and speak a similar language to Serbs, but Kosovo’s minority Bosniaks have encountered discrimination, violence and poverty as they endeavoured to survive the turbulent wartime and post-war.
Facebook has disabled a network of several accounts supposedly based in Romania operated by people with links to the Russian government – accusing them of violating its policy on foreign interference.
Attackers broke the windows of an Islamic community building in the town of Pljevlja, while Montenegrin Bosniaks complained of being targeted in the wake of elections won by opposition blocs that include pro-Serbian parties.
North Macedonian arrested three alleged Islamic State sympathisers and returnees from Middle East conflict zones, and seized a cache of explosives and weapons that they are suspected of having planned to use for attacks.
President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia and Bosnia’s Serb-dominated Republika Srpska will build a memorial complex together to honour the victims of the World War II Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia.
Twenty-five years after the killing of nine elderly and disabled civilians who had taken refuge at a school in the Croatian town of Dvor, Serbian and Croatian officials continue to blame the other side’s troops, and no one has ever been charged.