Case: Pekez et al.

16. December 2013.
During a hearing held before the Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mirko (son of Mile) Pekez requests the renewal of trial following the revocation of a second instance verdict, under which he was sentenced to 29 years in prison for crimes committed in the Jajce area.

20. November 2013.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina files custody order motions for ten former war-crimes and genocide convicts, who were released by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and allowed to defend themselves while at liberty. They were sentenced to between 14 and 33 years in prison.

28. April 2009.
In their closing arguments the Defence teams once again deny the allegations contained in the indictment, while the Prosecution calls on the Court to hand down long sentences in the case of the two indictees, who are charged with crimes committed in the Jajce area.