Case: Karajic Suljo


10. February 2016.
Although the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina repealed the verdict in the Suljo Karajic case due to the incorrect application of law, the state prosecution is sticking to its previous legal classification of his crimes. Karajic was sentenced to 18 years in prison for crimes committed in Krajina.


11. November 2011.
Presenting his closing statement at the retrial of Suljo Karajic, who is charged with crimes in the Bihac area, the Defence attorney of the indictee calls on the Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina to pronounce a lawful and fair verdict.


31. October 2011.
Presenting its closing statement at the retrial for crimes in the Bihac area, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina says that indictee Suljo Karajic is responsible for the crimes, calling on the Appellate Chamber to pronounce a sentence in accordance with the law, in other words, imprisonment longer than 18 years.

10. May 2011.
The retrial of Suljo Karajic, who is charged with crimes committed in the Bihac area, began today before the Appellate Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the presentation of statements given by witnesses at the first instance trial.


30. March 2011.
Affirming the appeals filed by the State Prosecution and the Defence, the Appellate Chamber revokes the first instance verdict under which Suljo Karajic was sentenced to 18 years in prison for crimes committed in Krajina and orders a retrial.