Mirna Buljugić

1. December 2011.
At the trial for crimes in Odzak, a witness for the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that “orgies, fascist salutes and beating” were commonplace at the detention camp in that town, adding that indictee Albina Terzic, called Nina, beat the detainees.


15. November 2011.
At the trial for crimes in the Sarajevo area, a former Commander of the Police Station in Novo Sarajevo says that, in the autumn of 1992 he was involved in an attempted arrest of a person nicknamed "Batko", adding that he had not heard of that nickname prior to that.


9. November 2011.
Presenting their introductory arguments at the trial for crimes in the Srebrenik area, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina says that witnesses will prove that indictees Zurahid Mujcinovic and Sulejman Hrustic are guilty, while the Defence says that the indictment is "unfounded".


2. November 2011.
As a part of the trial of Bozidar Kuvelja, charged with crimes in Srebrenica, a status conference was held discussing the immunity of the protected witness for the State Prosecution.


26. October 2011.
Protected witness S2 says, at the trial for crimes in Bradina, Konjic municipality, that indictee Miralem Macic killed Drago Kuljanin in 1992. Witness S2 said that, while he was looking for his friend Vaso Vujicic on May 26, 1992, he met a column of civilian captives from Bradina.


4. October 2011.
A pre-trial status conference was held before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the case of Miralem Macic, former member of reserve forces with the Public Safety Station in Konjic, who is charged with crimes in May 1992. During the status conference State Prosecutor Sanja Jukic said that the Prosecution intended to examine 24 witnesses, including one court expert, in the coming period.


19. September 2011.
At the trial of Veselin 'Batko' Vlahovic before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Esad Coho says that the indictee beat him with military boots on his kidneys and eyes in 1992. Testifying for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Coho said that indictee Vlahovic beat him in the vicinity of his house in Grbavica, Sarajevo.