Marija Taušan


7. October 2019.
Bosnian Serb wartime fighter Sasa Cvetkovic appealed against his conviction for the murder of two elderly Roma women and the rape of two Bosniaks in the Srebrenica and Bratunac areas in 1992. Sasa Cvetkovic’s defence on Monday launched an appeal at the Bosnian state court against the verdict that convicted the wartime fighter of killing two elderly Roma women in May 1992 and raping two Bosniaks, one of them a minor, in June 1992.


27. August 2019.
Enver Buza, the former commander of a Bosnian Army battalion, said he should be acquitted of charges of failing to punish his subordinates for killing 27 Croat civilians in an attack on the village of Uzdol in 1993. Enver Buza’s defence urged the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Tuesday to acquit him, arguing that his responsibility for the killings of Bosnian Croats in the village of Uzdol in the Prozor municipality in 1993 had not been proved during the trial.


4. July 2019.
The prosecution urged the Bosnian state court to convict former local police chiefs Ibro Merkez, Predrag Bogunic and Esef Huric of unlawfully detaining, abusing and killing Serb civilians in Gorazde in 1992 and 1993. In its closing statement at the state court in Sarajevo on Thursday, the prosecution said it had proved that former police officers Ibro Merkez, Predrag Bogunic and Esef Huric were guilty of unlawful detention, murder, inhumane treatment and the deprivation of the right to a fair trial between July 1992 and February 1993.


25. June 2019.
Eight former fighters went on trial for wartime crimes against Serb civilians who were unlawfully detained and allegedly tortured and sexually abused in the Lukavac area in 1992. The trial of Zijad Srabovic, Refik Morankic, Ahmet Bajric, Abid Arapcic, Senaid Cosic, Pasaga Cajic, Samir Dzambic and Mirsad Zilic, who are charged with the inhumane treatment, torture and murder of civilians detained in the city of Lukavac and nearby Modrac from June to October 1992, opened at the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Tuesday.


24. June 2019.
Former Bosnian Serb soldier Sretko Pavic was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the detention and killing of five Bosniak civilians, all members of the same family, near Prijedor in 1992. The Bosnian state court found Sretko Pavic guilty on Monday of having participated in the murder of five civilians in the village of Rizvanovici in the Prijedor area in the second half of July 1992, and sentenced him to 13 years in prison.


26. April 2019.
Five former Bosnian Serb military policemen appealed against their convictions for involvement in the killings of 28 Bosniak civilians on Mount Borje near Teslic in 1992. Former Bosnian Serb military policemen Dragan Marjanovic, Sasa Gavranovic, Vitomir Devic, Zoran Sljuka and Dragomir Kezunovic launched an appeal against their convictions for crimes against humanity at the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Friday.


18. April 2019.
The Bosnian prosecution argued that former Bosnian Serb Army soldiers Boro Milojica and Zelislav Rivic should be found guilty of responsibility for the killing of 19 Bosniaks, Roma and Croats in villages in the Prijedor area in 1992. In closing arguments at the Bosnian state court in Sarajevo on Thursday, the prosecution insisted that it had proved during the trial that Boro Milojica and Zelislav Rivic, former members of the Sixth Company of the Bosnian Serb Army’s Ljubija Battalion, participated in a widespread and systematic attack on the non-Serb population in the Prijedor area in June and July 1992.


2. April 2019.
The first prosecution witness at the trial of Ramiz Drekovic, former commander of the Bosnian Army’s Fourth Corps, recalled how a schoolgirl was killed and other pupils wounded in an attack on a Serb-populated village in 1995. Mitar Sladoje, the former director of an elementary school in Kalinovik, told the trial of Ramiz Drekovic at the Bosnian state court on Tuesday that a schoolgirl was killed and five other pupils were wounded when a shell landed in the residential part of the village on June 3, 1995.