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The Bosnian state prosecution has asked that the Bosnian supreme court hand down a longer sentence in the case of Sulejman Mujagic. Mujagic’s defense has requested that the first instance verdict in the case be repealed.
The cantonal court of Bihac sentenced Mujagic to eight and a half years in prison for war crimes in the Velika Kladusa area. He was found guilty of shooting and killing Ekrem Baltic, one of two members of the Fifth Corps of the Bosnian Army who were captured in the Kumarice area on March 6, 1995. He was also found guilty of physically abusing and shooting Nisvet Cordic, the other captured Fifth Corps member.
The state prosecution proposed that the initial verdict, which specifically sentenced Mujagic for crimes committed against prisoners of war in 1995, be revised. According to the defense’s appeal, violations occurred in the criminal proceedings which led to the incomplete presentation of facts and unfair sentencing.
“We consider that it hasn’t been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed such a grave crime,” said defense attorney Ilijas Midzic.
Midzic said his client didn’t remember the crime and was subjected to a psychiatric examination.
Midzic said state prosecution witnesses described the events leading up to the shooting, but didn’t see the shooting itself. He added that none of the witnesses said Baltic was shot in the legs, injuries which were the cause of his death.
With regards to Cordic, Midzic said the court neglected to fully consider the fact that a man named Tajson, who shot in the direction of the injured party, played a significant role in his injuries.
The Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will render a decision concerning the appeal at a later stage.