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Defense witness Milijan Jelic said he was the assistant commander for intelligence affairs with the Fifth Motorized Battalion in Kalaisa village, near Vozuca in 1992.
Jelic said all members of the military police with the battalion had to report to Doboj in July due to the formation of some units. He said Dragan Glogovac was among them.
According to Jelic, all military police members except Glogovac returned a few days later. Jelic said he inquired about Glogovac’s whereabouts and found out he had stayed in Doboj as they needed him there. He met him some time later and said he told him he was transferred to another unit. During cross-examination, Jelic said he could not confirm where Glogovac was after having returned from Doboj in July.
The state prosecution has charged Dragan Glogovac, with causing the severe physical and mental suffering of civilians and prisoners of war detained in the basement of Franjo Herljevic hunting lodge in the village of Kamenica in the municipality of Zavidovici from June to the end of August 1992. He allegedly acted in collaboration with other members of the Bosnian Serb Army.
Glogovac was allegedly a member of the military police of the Doboj Operational Group with the Ninth Battalion of the First Krajiski Corps of the Bosnian Serb army.
Jelic said he stayed overnight once at the Franjo Herljevic hunting lodge, where he attended a meeting on the distribution of units at that location.
Jelic said he didn’t notice any signs that others were present during his visit. He said they searched the entire premises, because they heard about some secret rooms, but they didn’t find them.
“We found the basement premises. They were clean and intact,” Jelic said.
Jelic and witness Desimir Savic said they didn’t know that any refugees had ever stayed in the Franjo Herljevic hunting lodge in Kamenice.
Witness Desimir Savic, who was a member of the Reconnaissance Squad with the Fifth Motorized Battalion in 1992, also said that military police went to Doboj. He said the military policemen returned in a few days, while Glogovac came back in 15 days. He recalled he wore a new camouflage uniform.
Savic said he slept in a summer house in the vicinity of the hunting lodge in mid-July. He said Glogovac was one of the military policemen who guarded the building at that time.
Savic said he “has never seen anything as luxurious as that building.”
Responding to a question from the prosecution, Savic said he didn’t enter the basement premises of the Franjo Herljevic hunting lodge and that nobody else was present in the building at that time.
The trial will continue on February 25.