Monday, 31 march 2025.
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    Saznajte više
    Bosnia Acquits Serb Ex-Soldier of War Crimes Against Civilians
    Former Bosnian Serb Army company commander Rade Macura was cleared of involvement in war crimes in a village in the Bosanska Gradiska area in 1992, when Bosniak civilians were forced to eat bullets and then killed.
    Bosnian Army Ex-Soldier Convicted of Abusing Serb Civilians
    Ibrahim Ceco was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in prison for committing a war crime against the civilian population in Sarajevo in September 1992
    Bosnian Court Urged to Acquit Serb of Massacre
    Ex-Soldier Denies Hostage-Taking, Destruction, Rape in Bosnian War
    Harsher Sentence Urged for Bosnian Serb Soldier Convicted of Rape