They like patriotic rallies and patrolling the streets. They dislike vaccines, migrants and “the system”. And they have the support of one in 10 Serbs on Facebook.
Refugees and migrants often encounter rejection and hostility in Bosnia – but in Tuzla some are finding inventive ways of building bridges with locals – and each other.
Dokumenti do kojih su došli BIRN i Der Spiegel pokazuju kako je američka konsultantska firma za upravljanje “McKinsey” stavila “maksimalno povećanje produktivnosti” u središte evropske politike o azilu, a nauštrb prava izbjeglica, kažu kritičari.
In 2016 and 2017, US management consultancy giant McKinsey was at the heart of efforts in Europe to accelerate the processing of asylum applications on over-crowded Greek islands and salvage a controversial deal with Turkey, raising concerns over the outsourcing of public policy on refugees.