The District Court in Banja Luka sentences Milorad Tadic, known as Brk, to five years in prison for having killed detainee Sejad Sivac in Omarska detention camp, near Prijedor.
The District Court in Banja Luka has sentenced a former Bosnian Serb policeman to eight years of prison for the murder of three Bosniak civilians in August 1992.
The trial of Mirko Popovic, who is charged with crimes in Gradiska, is due to begin on June 13, as decided at a preparatory hearing held at the District Court in Banja Luka.
The District Court in Banja Luka acquits Milan Trninic from Gradiska of the charges that he beat Husein Purivatra, who died of injuries caused by that beating, in 1993.
The District Court in Banja Luka sentences Miladin Bogdanic to six years in prison after pronouncing him guilty of war crimes against the civilian population in Kotor Varos.
The District Court in Banja Luka sentences Miladin Bogdanic to six years in prison after pronouncing him guilty of war crimes against the civilian population in Kotor Varos.