At the Milan Markovic trial for crimes committed in Sokolac, a prosecution witness said that he could not remember the nickname the accused had during the war.
At the trial of Milan Markovic for crimes committed in the Sokolac area four Defence witnesses say that the indictee was a driver with the First Romanija Brigade of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS in 1992 and 1993 and that he transported food in the Sarajevo battlefield area.
Four Defence witnesses say, at the trial of Milan Markovic for crimes committed in the Sokolac area, that the indictee was a driver with the First Romanija Brigade of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS and that he transported food to the Sarajevo area during 1992 and 1993.
Testifying at the trial of Milan Markovic for crimes in the Sokolac area, five Defence witnesses says that, just like them, the indictee was a member of the First Romanija Brigade of the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, in 1992 and 1993, but he was absent for about half a year.
As the trial of Milan Markovic for war crimes in Sokolac area continues, three Defence witnesses say before the District Court in Eastern Sarajevo that guards did not abuse Bosniak prisoners in Cavarine village and the school building in Sokolac.
Testifying at the trial for war crimes before the District Court in Eastern Sarajevo, four Defence witnesses say that they did not see indictee Milan Markovic in the Police Station in Sokolac in 1992 and 1993.
At the trial for crimes in the Sokolac area, held before the District Court in Eastern Sarajevo the Prosecution presents a few pieces of material evidence, including, among others, extracts from death registry for two persons, who, as alleged by witnesses, were held in detention facilities in Sokolac.
Testifying for the Eastern Sarajevo District Prosecution at the trial for crimes in the Sokolac area, a witness says that two prisoners were beaten up in a school building in Cavarine village, Sokolac municipality in 1992, but he does not know who caused injuries to them.
Testifying for the Eastern Sarajevo District Prosecution at the trial for crimes in the Sokolac area, a witness says that he was beaten up in the school building in Sokolac in 1992, adding that he found out that indictee Milan Markovic was the person, who beat him up.