A state prosecution witness testifying at the Marinko Petrovic trial said she heard the defendant took her husband away and killed him in the Konjic area.
A defense witness testifying at the Ivan Zelenika trial said he didn’t see or hear of former Heliodrom detention camp prisoner Almir Lalic being mistreated by the defendant. Almir Lalic himself also testified at the trial.
State prosecution witnesses testifying at the Mirsad Tahirovic trial described various forms of abuse they saw inflicted on detainees in Jablanica by the defendant.
The verdict in the Elmedin Causevic trial has been scheduled for September 15, 2015. The cantonal prosecution has called for a guilty verdict, while the defense has called for a verdict of release.
Na suðenju Mirsadu Tahiroviæu zvanom Deba za zloèine poèinjene na podruèju Jablanice, svjedoci Kantonalnog tuilatva u Mostaru isprièali su kako su zatoèenici zlostavljani u muzeju i takozvanim Rogiæa kuæama.