The trial of Azemin Sadikovic, who is charged with crimes committed in the Hadzici area, has been postponed, because two Defence witnesses fail to appear in court.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Hadzici municipality, a State Prosecution witness says that he has got no information about the abuse of detainees in the Silos and 9. Maj school buildings.
At the trial for crimes on Mt Igman, a Bosnian prosecution witness said that defendant Nedzad Hodzic hit prisoners with a wooden stick and abused them in other ways in 1993.
A prosecution witness told the trial for crimes committed at Mt Igman that he twice had blood in his urine after being beaten by a soldier, whose name he heard was Nedzad Hodzic.
At the trial of two Bosniak fighters for the torture, beatings and sexual abuse of prisoners on Mount Igman in 1993, a witness said one defendant behaved abnormally because of wartime stress.
Ex-security boss Munir Alibabic told the trial for war crimes at detention centres in Hadzici near Sarajevo that his superior warned him not to investigate the jails any further.
As the trial of Azemin Sadikovic for crimes in the Hadzici area continues, a Defence witness says that a person known as Maca told him, in February 1993, that he had slaughtered the Milosevics.
Due to the replacement of one member of the Trial Chamber, the trial for crimes committed in the Hadzici area begins anew by admitting evidence presented previously.
At a status conference held due to a replacement of one member of the Trial Chamber sitting in the case for crimes committed in the Hadzici area, the parties agreed that witnesses, who have already been examined, will not be invited to appear before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, again.