Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin deny the allegations contained in the new, merged indictment, which charges them with crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Florence Hartmann again refuses to enter a plea, so the Court records a plea of not guilty.
Next week the Defence is due to start presenting evidence before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the trial of Ante Kovac, charged with crimes committed in Vitez.
Referring to indictee Predrag Bastah as "a thing", a Prosecution witness accuses him of having taken her husband from their house in Vlasenica in May 1992.
Following a meeting with the State Prosecution, Chief ICTY Prosecutor Brammertz said that additional investigation material would be transferred to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In the course of cross-examination a Prosecution witness says that indictee Kondic "could not have given orders to members of the State Safety Service".
Indictee Milorad Trbic addresses the Trial Chamber, arguing that he "does not know that genocide was committed in Srebrenica".
A Prosecution witness speaks about the participation of the three indictees in crimes committed in Kalinovik in 1992. In the course of soul-stirring testimony Fatima Keso, who appeared as a...
Due to electricity cuts in the State Court building the trial of the three indictees for Kalinovik crimes has been adjourned.