Another indictment for Jajce crimes

2. December 2008.14:29
The State Prosecution files another indictment against two persons, who reside on the territory of another state, for crimes committed in Jajce.

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The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina filed an indictment against Jovo Jandric and Slobodan Pekez for crimes against civilians committed in Jajce municipality in 1992.

The indictment has been submitted to the State Court for confirmation.

An international warrant has been issued against Jandric and Pekez. Data available to the State Prosecution suggest that they are currently in the Republic of Serbia, where they “were examined as suspects”.

The State Prosecution charges Jandric and Pekez, as former members of the army and police of Republika Srpska, participated in murder and intentional causing of bodily suffering of Bosniak civilians, who lives in Ljojici and Cerkazovici villages in Jajce municipality.

The indictment alleges that Jandric and Pekez, acting together with a group of other soldiers, gathered civilians from Ljojici and Cerkazovici, on September 10, 1992, and took them, while threatening them with guns, to a location called Draganovac, where they took away their valuables.

The indictment further alleges that they then took them to Tisovac place and “ordered them to stand at the edge of a cliff”, shooting them afterwards. The State Prosecution considers that 23 civilians were killed and several were severely or less severely wounded in this way.

Jandric and Pekez are mentioned as accessories in the crimes committed in Jajce in the indictment, filed by the State Prosecution against Mirko (son of Spiro) Pekez, Mirko (son of Mile) Pekez and Momir Savic, who were sentenced, by a first instance verdict, to 71 years’ imprisonment.

The Appellate Chamber recently confirmed the verdict against Mirko (son of Mile) Pekez, sentencing him to 29 years’ imprisonment, while ordering a retrial of the two other indictees, who were sentenced, by the first instance verdict, to 21 years’ imprisonment each.

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