The Bosnian court rejected a prosecution appeal against the acquittal of Malko Koroman, a wartime police chief accused of unlawfully detaining Bosniak civilians in the town of Pale in 1992, some of whom were tortured and killed.
The system of detention camps set up by Bosnian Serb forces during the war in 1992 was intended to torment and humiliate entire communities, genocide scholar Hikmet Karcic argues in a new book.
The UN, EU, OSCE and others have told Bosnia it must make the appointment of the three rights ombudsmen more open to the public and CSOs – or face penalties.
Bosnian Serb Army ex-officer Veljko Papic appealed against his conviction for forcing civilians to do hard labour on the front lines in the Bosnian capital and making some of them remove the bodies of a young couple who were murdered.
The prosecution appealed against the verdict acquitting Dragan Vikic, the wartime commander of a Bosnian interior ministry police unit in besieged Sarajevo, of involvement in the killing of eight Yugoslav military prisoners in 1992.
Although the European Union has placed the Russian oil company under sanctions, Motorways of the Federation, a public company, is running a campaign encouraging driver to fill their vehicles at its petrol stations.
The Bosnian state court confirmed former Bosnian Army military policeman Adem Kostjerevac’s seven-year prison sentence for raping a pregnant woman in the Zvornik municipality during the war in 1992.
A Soviet-era plane that crashed in Greece, killing eight crew members, was carrying Serbian arms to Bangladesh in a deal brokered by a Bosnia-based company owned by a Polish weapons firm, BIRN has learned.