At a status conference held before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina the Defence of six indictees charged with crimes committed at Koricanske stijene present their evidence presentation proposals.
At the request of the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina the State Court orders a two-month extension of custody of Nihad Bojadzic, suspected of war crimes against civilians and prisoners-of-war.
The main trial for crimes committed in Kalinovik has been completed with the presentation of closing arguments by the Defence of indictee Djordjislav Askraba.
Testifying against the indictees charged with crimes committed in August 1992, Damir Ivankovic, who previously admitted guilt in the same crime, recalled how members of the Prijedor police shot civilians...
The Defence of Ratko Bundalo continues presenting its closing arguments and calls on the Court to acquit its client of all charges, arguing that he did not commit the crime...
Robert Alexander Franken, former Commander of the Dutch Battalion stationed in Srebrenica in July 1995, failed to appear at the District Court in The Hague, where he was supposed to...
The second trial for crimes committed at Koricanske stijene begins with the reading of the indictment and presentation of introductory arguments by the State Prosecution and the Defence of the...
Protected Prosecution witness KO15 testifies at a closed hearing.
A court expert, invited by the Defence of Goran Viskovic, says that "the authorities in Vlasenica" decided to accommodate Bosniaks "in the Susica collection center" as a way of protecting...