Two more Prosecution witnesses speak about the participation of police in taking away their family members.
As his cross-examination continues, Gojko Klickovic says he knew about the questioning of prisoners at the Temporary Court Martial.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and representatives of injured parties address the Court calling for a long prison sentence for Novak Djukic.
The Trial Chamber accepts the Defence's proposal to examine two former ICTY indictees at the trial for crimes committed in Vitez.
At the hearing for crimes committed in Foca the Defence and indictee ask the Court to release Blagoje Golubovic and let him defend himself while on bail; the Prosecution objects...
Upholding appeals filed by the State Prosecution, the Appeals Chamber revoked the verdict of acquittal in the case of Zdravko Mihaljevic and ordered a retrial.
Predrag Kujundzic fails to appear as a Defence witness to give the Court his version of events in Doboj in 1992. After Predrag Kujundzic, who is charged before the Court...
Two Prosecution witnesses recall what they saw at Koricanske stijene after the massacre.
The Trial Chamber announces that it will conduct a reconstruction of events in Podkolun village, near Foca, in mid May.