Friday, 31 January 2025.
Kondic et al: Begging for sons
Two more Prosecution witnesses speak about the participation of police in taking away their family members.
Klickovic et al: Court formed to deal with mobilization
As his cross-examination continues, Gojko Klickovic says he knew about the questioning of prisoners at the Temporary Court Martial.
Djukic: Regaining Faith in Justice
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and representatives of injured parties address the Court calling for a long prison sentence for Novak Djukic.
Kovac: Two new Defence Witnesses
The Trial Chamber accepts the Defence's proposal to examine two former ICTY indictees at the trial for crimes committed in Vitez.
Golubovic: Custody Release Motion
At the hearing for crimes committed in Foca the Defence and indictee ask the Court to release Blagoje Golubovic and let him defend himself while on bail; the Prosecution objects...
Mihaljevic: Retrial
Upholding appeals filed by the State Prosecution, the Appeals Chamber revoked the verdict of acquittal in the case of Zdravko Mihaljevic and ordered a retrial.
Kujundzic: Defence Evidence Presentation Completed
Predrag Kujundzic fails to appear as a Defence witness to give the Court his version of events in Doboj in 1992. After Predrag Kujundzic, who is charged before the Court...
Koricanske stijene: Unknown Convoy Escorts
Two Prosecution witnesses recall what they saw at Koricanske stijene after the massacre.
Ranko and Rajko Vukovic: Reconstruction of Events in Podkolun
The Trial Chamber announces that it will conduct a reconstruction of events in Podkolun village, near Foca, in mid May.