Case: Kos et al.


2. November 2011.
At the trial of defendants charged with genocide in Srebrenica, a witness for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that Muslims in Srebrenica did not have weapons which they could use to put up resistance to Bosnian Serbs in July 1995. Joseph Kingori, former UN military observer in Srebrenica, said that Muslims in Srebrenica only had light firearms and because of that they were not able to put up meaningful resistance to the army of Bosnian Serbs.


12. October 2011.
Testifying for the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the trial for genocide in Srebrenica, Dean Manning confirms that remains that were found in graves around Srebrenica suggest that the men were killed as prisoners, not as soldiers in combats.

28. September 2011.
At the trial for genocide in Srebrenica a former member of the Tenth Reconnaissance Squad with the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, who testified in defence of the first indictee, says that, in July 1995, as per an order issued by Miso Pelemis, a group of soldiers was taken to Branjevo farm, near Zvornik, where they killed between 600 and 700 prisoners.

3. August 2011.
A newly founded association called, Help in Protecting Prisoners' Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, intends to supervise the respect of human rights in prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

24. May 2011.
At a trial for genocide committed in Srebrenica, a protected Prosecution witness recalls surviving a shooting on Branjevo military farm, Zvornik municipality, in July 1995. The protected witness, who testified under the pseudonym of Z2, said that after an attack by the Republika Srpska Army, VRS, on Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, many civilians, himself included, were taken to the Cultural Centre in Pilica, Zvornik municipality.