The District Court in Doboj postpones the pronouncement of a verdict against Nihad Hamzic, also known as Fric, who is charged with crimes in Derventa and Bosanski Brod, due to the illness of the Trial Chamber Chairwoman.
The trial for crimes against civilians in Derventa and Brod before the Doboj District Court continues with the presentation of material evidence by the Defence of Nihad Hamzic, known as Fric.
At the trial of Nihad Hamzic, known as Fric, who is charged with crimes in Derventa and Bosanski Brod, a Doboj District Prosecution witness says that eight prisoners from Rabic detention camp were killed on Tomasovo Hill.
Testifying at the trial of Nihad Hamzic, known as Fric, who is charged with crimes against Serb civilians in Derventa and Bosanski Brod, Doboj District Prosecution witnesses say that prisoners were physically abused in Rabic detention camp.
Testifying for the Doboj District Prosecution at the beginning of the trial of Nihad Hamzic for war crimes in Derventa and Bosanski Brod, witnesses say that the indictee was commander of guards in Rabic detention camp.