Sunday, 16 February 2025.

Bosna i Hercegovina kao raj za Arape (VIDEO)

Porast turističkih posjeta Bosni i Hercegovini gostiju iz arapskih zemalja, koji odnedavno najavljuju i višemilionska investicijska ulaganja, zabrinjava bh.

Pročitaj više

Wealthy Arabs Buy Slice of ‘Heaven’ in Bosnia

Bosnia is becoming an attractive destination for Arab and Gulf state visitors, many of whom are buying real estate – but while some welcome the influx, not everyone is delighted.

Pročitaj više

Witness Requests Transportation

The trial of Jasmin Coloman, who is charged with crimes in Vitez, has been postponed, because a State Prosecution witness fails to appear.

Pročitaj više

Trial for Crimes in Odzak Begins Next Week

The trial of four former members of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, who are charged with crimes in Odzak in 1992, is due to begin next week with presentation of introductory statements by the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, and reading of the indictment.

Pročitaj više

Custody Extension for Jozo Djojic Requested

The State Prosecution requests an extension of custody for Jozo Djojic, who is suspected of crimes against civilians in Odzak in 1992.

Pročitaj više

Turajlic Ordered Prohibiting Measures

The Bosnian State court has ordered prohibiting measures against Ibro Turajlic, a suspect for crimes in Capljina in 1992.

Pročitaj više

Prosecution Requests Quashing of Verdict against the Raguzes

The State Prosecution requests quashing of a first instance verdict under which Ivo and Veselko Raguz were acquitted of charges for crimes committed in the Stolac and Capljina area in 1993. The Defence teams request the Court to reject the appeal and confirm the first instance verdict.

Pročitaj više

Prosecution Requests Quashing of Verdict against the Raguzes

The State Prosecution requests quashing of a first instance verdict under which Ivo and Veselko Raguz were acquitted of charges for crimes committed in the Stolac and Capljina area in 1993. The Defence teams request the Court to reject the appeal and confirm the first instance verdict.

Pročitaj više

Trial of Avdovic and Vintila Begins Anew

The trial of Ramiz Avdovic and Iulian-Nicolae Vintila for crimes in Sarajevo is due to begin anew due to a change in the composition of the Trial Chamber.

Pročitaj više

Prohibiting Measures for Turajlic Requested

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, requests prohibiting measures for Ibro Turajlic, who is suspected of crimes in Capljina municipality in 1992.

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