The Sarajevo Cantonal Court is due to pronounce a verdict against Dusko Djajic, who is charged with crimes in the Ilidza area, on Monday, December 3 this year.
The beginning of the retrial of Bosko Lazic, who is charged with false testimony at a war crimes trial, has been postponed, because the Defence attorney of the indictee fails to appear at the hearing again.
A plea hearing before the District Court in Doboj in the case against Marko Milos, a former member of the Croatian Army, who is charged with crimes against the civilian population in the Odzak and Bosanski Brod area, has been postponed for the second time, because the indictee fails to appear in court.
Indictee Sead Menzil says at the trial for crimes in Kotor-Varos that he did not participate in an attack on Serdari village, although he received an order to participate in the operation aimed at unblocking local villages.
Testifying at the trial of Oliver Krsmanovic, who is charged with crimes in Visegrad, State Prosecution witnesses say that, on October 22, 1992 members of their families were taken ofF a bus, while traveling to their workplace in Serbia, and that they never saw them again.
At the trial of the former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, two witnesses denied allegations that the Bosnian Serb army terrorized civilians in Sarajevo by widespread shelling between 1992 and 1995.
The trial of three Bosnian Serbs, Predrag Milisavljevic, Milos Pantelic and Ljubomir Tasic charged with war crimes in Visegrad in June 1992 began with the opening arguments by the prosecution and the defence.
The Hague Chronicle brings you the latest news from trials to Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
U ovom izdanju poslušajte izvještaje sa suđenja u predmetima: Eso Macić, Veselin Vlahović, Mlađenović i ostali, te Bašić i Šijak. U rubrici Fokus poslušajte intervju sa advokatom Damirom Avdićem o položaju bivših logoraša u BiH.
The Bosnian State prosecution requested that Safet Kovacevic, suspected of crimes in Bihac and Cazin, remain in custody, which the defence objected to.