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Trusina Case Indictment Revised

1. December 2014.00:00
The Trial Chamber accepts a revised indictment by the State Prosecution in the case against Mensur Memic, Dzevad Salcin, Senad Hakalovic, Nedzad Hodzic and Nihad Bojadzic for crimes committed in Trusina, near Konjic.

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As said by Chairwoman Zeljka Marenic, the Trial Chamber considered that the revised indictment did not put the indictees in a more difficult position. It was not explained at this hearing what changes were made to the indictment.

Considering the fact that the revised indictment was accepted, the Defence attorneys of Hakalovic and Bojadzic requested the Trial Chamber to enable them to access evidence in another State Prosecution’s case referring to crimes committed in Trusina on April 16, 1993.

The Defence made a similar request before, but, just like this time, the Trial Chamber did not approve it.
Indictee Bojadzic said that there was evidence, acquitting him of the accusations, in those cases. He considers that this case was separated during the investigation phase, “so the Defence would not have access to those pieces of evidence”.  

As said at this hearing, an investigation against some people for Trusina crimes had been discontinued.

According to the unrevised indictment, during an attack on Trusina by the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, 18 civilians and four members of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO, who had previously surrendered, were killed. Memic, Salcin, Hodzic and Bojadzic were members of “Zulfkar” Unit of ABiH, while Hakalovic was a member of the “Neretvica” Brigade of ABiH.

Due to the revision of the indictment, the Defence of indictees Hakalovic and Hodzic requested that the State Prosecution witnesses, who had previously testified at this hearing, be examined again.

Defence attorney Edina Residovic said that the indictment was changed to the detriment of Bojadzic, requesting the Court to allow her additional time in order to decide whether she would present evidence and which ones.

The Trial Chamber announced that the Defence teams had to submit their proposals by the end of the week. The Defence of Memic and Salcin said that they did not have any pieces of evidence referring to the revised indictment.

The trial is due to continue on December 15. 

Amer Jahić

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