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Dzevad Topic, former Commander of the Regional Headquarters of military police of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, testified in defence of Ramiz Avdovic. He spoke about the indictee’s role in a military prison within the “Viktor Bubanj” military barracks.
During his examination the Prosecution presented a statement the witness gave on April 28, 2011, but Vlado Adamovic, Defence attorney of indictee Iulian Nicolae-Vintila, said that “the witness might expose himself to a serious risk of self-incrimination”.
“I would like to ask the Trial Chamber to take a look of the statement, containing very risky sentences and answers, which Topic gave without being capable of assessing the risk,” Adamovic said.
Trial Chamber Chairwoman Zeljka Marenic adjourned the hearing, saying that a legal counsellor would be appointed to assist Topic at the next hearing.
Prior to the interruption of the hearing, Topic explained that, in his capacity as Commander of the Regional Headquarters of military police, he led a group of people, whose seat was in Marsala Tita Street in Sarajevo. Topic said that, later on they were assigned to the military prison in the “Viktor Bubanj” military barracks with the task of guarding it.
“Avdovic took over the responsibility for the fifth floor of ‘Viktor Bubanj’. No complaints about his work were filed. I am speaking honestly and fairly. I have never heard about the second indictee,” Topic said.
According to the witness’ testimony, after having been arrested, people were not brought before a court, but they were examined by operational officers, who then decided whether to keep them in detention or release them.
The Prosecution of BiH charges Ramiz Avdovic and Iulian Nicolae-Vintila with having participated in the establishment and maintenance of a system for abuse of detained Serb civilians in the second half of 1992. According to the charges, Avdovic was Commander of Guards on the fifth floor of the District Prison and Military Prison in “Viktor Bubanj” military barracks, while Vintila was a cook and guard in “Viktor Bubanj”.
The Defence of indictee Avdovic introduced a few pieces of material evidence as well. Among other things, it presented a list of persons, who could be used for performing labour, which was signed by Senad Kreho, the then President of the District Court.
“Detainees were taken out as per decisions made by the Court, not by military police or guards,” said Mirza Kovac, Defence attorney of Avdovic, explaining the presented pieces of evidence.
Also, a decision, ordering Zdravko Kekic into custody on July 30, 1992, was included in the case file. It was said that the decision did not indicate who ordered the custody measure and how long it would last.
“By presenting this piece of evidence, we are relieving Avdovic of the responsibility for holding those persons in detention and admitting them,” Kovac said.
The trial is due to continue on July 6.