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Memic et al: Found out about Trusina from Media

13. July 2012.00:00
At the trial of six former members of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ABiH, the State Prosecution reads a statement given by late witness Jasmin Guska.

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This witness gave two statements to the State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA in May 2010.

Guska, former chief of the Public Safety Station in Konjic, said that he “thinks that he found out about the Trusina village events from the media”.

He said that a wartime Presidency functioned in Konjic municipality during the war and that he attended its sessions.

“As far as I can remember, no members of the ABiH attended those sessions. Zuka never attended those sessions either, as far as I can remember. I heard about Zuka for the first time in the winter of 1992/1993,” witness Guska said in his statement.

He said that he met Zuka during the war and that he then also met his Deputy Nihad Bojadzic.

Mensur Memic, Dzevad Salcin, Senad Hakalovic, Nedzad Hodzic, Nihad Bojadzic and Zulfikar Alispago, known as Zuka, are on trial for the attack on Trusina on April 16, 1993, when 18 civilians and four members of the Croatian Defence Council, HVO were killed.

The indictment alleges that Alispago was Commander of “Zulfikar” Squad, Bojadzic was his Deputy, Memic, Salcin and Hodzic were members of that Squad, while Hakalovic, according to the State Prosecution’s allegations, was a member of the “Neretvica” 45th Brigade.

The trial is due to continue on August 6, when another State Prosecution witness’ statement will be read.

This post is also available in: Bosnian