Adamovic and Lukic: Peaceful Life in Kljuc

13. December 2010.11:48
A witness testifying in defence of indictee Marko Adamovic at the trial for crimes committed in the Kljuc area, says that the Kljuc Battalion's activities in 1992 were peaceful activities.

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Dusan Prolic, former Chief of the Medical Unit with the Kljuc Battalion, said he offered medical assistance mostly to Muslims in Ramici in 1992.

“I did not provide medical assistance to the wounded, because there were no such people. I provided medical assistance mostly to Muslims. (…) I worked as a physician for civilians, because we lived a peaceful life,” Prolic said.

He explained that he was mobilized on April 22, 1992, when he joined the Kljuc Battalion, whose Command, he said, was located in Ramici, Kljuc municipality. He said he left that place at the beginning of June 1992.

The witness testified at the trial of Marko Adamovic and Bosko Lukic, former high-level officials from the Kljuc area.

The indictment alleges that Adamovic and Lukic participated, as members of the Serbian Democratic Party, SDS, Crisis Committee and Town Defence Command, in organising a group of people and abetting their commission of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

During the course of his testimony Prolic said that indictee Adamovic was not present when the Kljuc Battalion left Sitnica village and moved to Kljuc in late May 1992.

The witness explained that the Military Police Squad was not a part of the Kljuc Battalion, which, as he said, had “only infantry weapons, including revolvers and rifles”.

The trial is due to continue on Wednesday, December 15.

Amer Jahić

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