Bundalo et al: The last meeting

21. October 2008.12:37
Three Prosecution witnesses speak about the suffering of Bosniaks in detention camps in the Kalinovik area in 1992. Prosecution witness Dzemila Suljic said "Serb soldiers and policemen" took her two sons and husband to the school building in Kalinovik on June 25, 1992, adding that they then transferred them to "Barutni magacin", where she saw them for the last time.

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“Djordjislav Askraba was the manager of this detention camp. He knows everything about the murder of my kids. I still have not found them. In the detention camp, Askraba was in charge of detention and beating, and he must know to whom he handed them over to kill them. I found my husband, dead but I do not know where my sons are,” Suljic said.

The State Prosecution charges Askraba, Ratko Bundalo and Nedjo Zeljaja with having participated in the murder, torture, rape, forcible disappearances, destruction of property and detention of Bosniaks in “Miladin Radojevic” school building and “Barutni magacin” in Kalinovik in the course of 1992.

Witness Suljic said in the courtroom that “uniformed policemen and soldiers” were guards in the two detention camps, adding that she was allowed to enter the school building but she “was not even allowed to look at” Barutni magacin.

In the course of cross-examination indictee Askraba told the Trial Chamber that witness Suljic was “lying and telling untruths”.

Ismir Regoj, who appeared as second witness at this hearing, said that, on June 25, 1992 he received “a written order to report to the police station in Kalinovik”, but his father Refik decided to go there alone, “on behalf of the family”.

“It started raining that afternoon. At about 3 p.m. two brothers Hatic and Karaman appeared at our house, telling us to run away as Chetniks were gathering all those who had stayed in their houses. Me and my brother ran away to the woods. We then saw soldiers entering the houses and shooting,” Regoj recalled.

As indicated by this witness, after having been hiding for one day, his brother was captured and he returned home “out of fear”, adding that his neighbour Vjekoslav Sudzum met him there, helped him hide and told him to run away.

“He told me to run away towards Jelec. When I got there, I saw my brother. They released him because he was young. Later on we found out that out father had been killed. They told us that he had been killed in a barn, which had then been burnt down,” the witness said.

Protected witness D was also examined at this hearing. She was deported from Gacko in June 1992 and captured “on her way to the free territory, controlled by the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

“We were captured in Tuhobici village. They drove us, by truck, to a school building in Ulog. We stayed there for a very short time. Then they gathered about 200 of us and drove us to a detention camp in a school building in Kalinovik,” witness D said.

The protected witness said that, during the course of her detention, she saw people being “tortured and killed”, adding that this was not done by “the people from Kalinovik, but by a group of people, who had come from some other place”. She said that those people spoke with a Montenegrin accent.

The protected witness testified about rape, but this part of her testimony was closed to the public.

The trial is due to continue on October 31, 2008.

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