At the trial of Bosnian Serb ex-soldier Vitomir Rackovic, accused of illegally detaining Bosniaks in the Visegrad area in 1992, witnesses recalled how villagers were seized and mistreated.
Additional pieces of evidence referring to indictees Predrag Milisavljevics and Ljubomir Tasics membership in the Army are presented at the trial for crimes in Visegrad.
As the trial for crimes in Sarajevo continues, the Defence of Ramiz Avdovic presents material evidence with which it wants to prove that military police of the Territorial Defence of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina arrested Sarajevo citizens in 1992 and had an authority to release them to liberty.
The Trial Chamber announces examination of new witnesses due to a disputable piece of evidence presented by the Defence of Predrag Milisavljevic, who is charged with crimes in Visegrad.
The Trial Chamber announces examination of new witnesses due to a disputable piece of evidence presented by the Defence of Predrag Milisavljevic, who is charged with crimes in Visegrad.
At the trial of Bosnian Serb soldier Vitomir Rackovic, accused of illegally detaining Bosniaks around Visegrad in 1992, a witness recalled how he was held and beaten at a village school.
The trial of Ramiz Avdovic and Iulian-Nicolae Vintila, who are charged with crimes committed in Sarajevo, continues with the presentation of 50 pieces of State Prosecution evidence.
On the second day of presentation of its closing statements the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, says that, by giving an order to take civilians from Brdo village, Cajnice municipality, to Mostina and detain them in a metal container, Milun Kornjaca contributed to their murder.
The prosecution said that former Bosnian Serb paramilitary Milun Kornjaca was involved in the imprisonment, torture and murder of Bosniaks in the Cajnice area in 1992.