
‘Bowie from Srebrenica’ Film Premieres at Sarajevo Festival

5. August 2024.15:01
A documentary made by BIRN about Bosnian rock guitarist Samir ‘Bowie’ Mehic looks at his wartime life in besieged Srebrenica before his death in the July 1995 genocide.

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‘Samir Mehic Bowie – Letters from Srebrenica’, a film directed by BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina journalist Lamija Grebo in collaboration with the Srebrenica Memorial Centre will be screened twice at this month’s Sarajevo Film Festival, on August 21 and 23.

The 34-minute film looks at the life of rock guitarist Mehic, who was given the nickname Bowie because he was one of the first people in Srebrenica who listened to David Bowie, according to the drummer in his band Inat (Spite), Faruk Smajlovic.

Mehic stayed in Srebrenica after it was besieged by Bosnian Serb forces in the spring of 1992, although others like Smajlovic left. He died in the July 1995 massacres, which have been classified as genocide by international courts.

Grebo explained that the film originated from a feature story she wrote about Mehic for BIRN in 2020.

“The need arose to tell a story about Samir, but also about a different Srebrenica, which many people perhaps even don’t know about, in which there existed a rock scene and very serious gigs,” she said.

Grebo spoke to his family and friends, as well as other people who knew the guitarist.

“I was particularly struck by the letters Samir wrote to Faruk – his thoughts, longings, descriptions of the surrounded town, gigs during the war, and a great desire to see his dear friends again,” Grebo said.

She described the film as “a story that will remain a testimonial about life, love, music and friendship”.

‘Samir Mehic Bowie – Letters from Srebrenica’ was filmed as part of a BIRN Bosnia and Herzegovina project financed by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The video editor was Elvedin Zorlak, the editor was Semir Mujkic, and the documentary was produced by Denis Dzidic. Actor Igor Skvarica plays Mehic in dramatised reconstructions during the film.

This year’s 30th Sarajevo Film Festival takes place from August 16 to 23.

    Aida Trepanić

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