Person: Covic Halid

16. October 2014.
At the trial for crimes committed in the territory of the municipality of Hadzici, the witness for the prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina said that during his imprisonment he had often been taken to the frontline, where he was abused and wounded.

2. October 2014.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Hadzici, a former Justice Minister of the Government of the Republic and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, says that Ministry’s conclusions related to solving the problem of detainees in Silos were never executed.

4. September 2014.
At the trial of Indira Kameric, who is charged with crimes in Bosanski Brod, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, presents a few pieces of material evidence, which the Defence does not consider disputable.