
Bosnia Seeks Interpol ‘Red Notices’ for Arrests of Convicted Serbs

30. January 2024.10:42
The Bosnian state court asked Interpol to issue international ‘red notices’ for the arrest of Dusan Milunic, Ilija Zoric and Zoran Stojnic, who were convicted under a first-instance verdict of attacking civilians in the village of Zecovi in 1992.

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Zecovi. Photo: BIRN BiH

The Bosnian state court in Sarajevo said it has asked Interpol to issue ‘red notices’ calling on states around the world to arrest Dusan Milunic, Ilija Zoric and Zoran Stojnic, who have been convicted of involvement in a deadly attack on the village of Zecovi, near Prijedor, on July 23, 1992.

The court approached Interpol because the three men were not found at their places of residence after the judges ordered them into custody while delivering the first-instance judgment in December, convicting them of involvement in the attack by Bosnian Serb military and police forces.

The verdict said that 69 civilians were killed in Zecovi. A total of 32 victims’ bodies have still not been found.

Dusan Milunic, Zoric and Stojnic were sentenced to a total of 40 years in prison, subject to appeal. Two other men, Zoran Milunic and Ljubisa Cetic, were also convicted.

The verdict said Zoric and others went to a house where women and children were staying and then opened fire, killing all of them apart from a 15-year-old who managed to hide.

Milunic was found guilty of forced relocations in his capacity as commander of the Rasavacka Company of the Sixth Battalion of the Bosnian Serb Army’s 43rd Brigade.

Stojnic was convicted of killing one civilian during the attack.

Aida Trepanić

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