Nihad Bojadzic told the trial for crimes in Trusina (Konjic municipality) that he has never participated in action with Rasema Handanovic, convicted for the execution of six Croats in Trusina.
As announced by the Trial Chamber at a status conference, the Defence of Nihad Bojadzic, who is charged with crimes in Jablanica, is due to examine its first witnesses on May 22.
Nihad Bojadzic, the former deputy commander of the Bosnian Armys Zulfikar Squad, said that he was not told about an attack on the village of Trusina, where 22 Croats were killed.
Nihad Bojadzic, the former deputy commander of the Bosnian Armys Zulfikar Squad, said that he did not lead a wartime attack on the village of Trusina, where 22 Croats were killed.
By including its last pieces of material evidence in the case file and giving up on examining about ten of its witnesses, the Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH, has completed the presentation of evidence against Nihad Bojadzic, who is on trial for crimes against Croats in Jablanica.
The Trial Chamber interrupts indictee Nihad Bojadzics testimony at the trial for crimes in Trusina, Konjic municipality, after indictee Nedzad Hodzic complained about chest pain.
Due to the defendants illness, the Trial Chamber separated the case against Zulfikar Alispago from the case against other five persons charged with crimes committed in Trusina, the municipality of Konjic.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Jablanica, a State Prosecution witness says that he heard that indictee Nihad Bojadzic opened fire towards a prisoner in September 1993.
Testifying at the trial for crimes in Jablanica, a witness says that he heard that indictee Nihad Bojadzic wanted to kill a prisoner, but Commander Zuka prevented him from doing it.