City: Sarajevo


2. March 2020.
Former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic’s defence said he has serious health problems including a potential stroke and asked for his appeal against his conviction for genocide and other wartime crimes to be postponed. Ratko Mladic’s defence lawyers said on Monday that they have asked the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals in The Hague […]


29. January 2020.
As efforts continue to finally make Sarajevo landmine-free this year, Bosnia’s demining experts explain how they deal with facing death or injury every day – and why they dedicate their lives to such a dangerous job. It’s 16 minutes past midday on Christmas Eve, and Sead Vrana sends me a text on Viber, seeking to […]


23. January 2020.
Lawmakers in the upper house of the Bosnian parliament voted to reject a proposed legal change intended to make the denial of genocide and war crimes punishable by jail sentences. The House of Peoples, the upper house of the Bosnian parliament, voted on Thursday against changing the criminal code of Bosnia and Herzegovina to criminalise […]


22. January 2020.
Salko Hondo, a veteran photojournalist for Oslobodjenje, the Sarajevo-based newspaper that courageously kept on publishing throughout the three-and-a-half-year siege of the city, went on his final assignment on July 16, 1992. Hondo had been deployed to take pictures of people queueing for water near the marketplace in the Ciglane neighbourhood when a projectile exploded close […]