Testifying at a trial dealing with the Srebrenica genocide, additional defense witnesses said that defendants Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic were at a forward command post and on the frontline during an attack in July 1995.
According to the charges, Stanisic was the commander of the Sixth Battalion of the Zvornicka Brigade with the Bosnian Serb Army and Milosevic was his deputy.
Testifying at the trial of two defendants charged with participating in the Srebrenica genocide, an additional defense witness said defendant Ostoja Stanisic wasn’t in Petkovci in July 1995, the period of his alleged crimes.
Testifying at the trial of two former members of the Bosnian Serb Army charged with genocide in Srebrenica, a state prosecution witness said the command of the Bosnian Serb Army’s Sixth Battalion was located in an old school building in Petkovci. This contradicts previous statements given by the witness during the investigation phase of the case.
While testifying at a trial dealing with the Srebrenica genocide, a protected state prosecution witness identified Ostoja Stanisic as the man who mistreated him during his detention in a school building in Petkovci after the fall of Srebrenica in July 1995.
The state prosecution has called for a longer prison sentence for Srecko Boskovic, who has been sentenced to ten years in prison for killing a 15 year old boy in the Zvornik area on July 15, 1995. Boskovic’s defense has requested an acquittal or a repeal of the first instance verdict.
Testifying at the trial of Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic, a former Bosnian Serb soldier said he saw Milosevic on the frontlines following the fall of Srebrenica, but not Stanisic.
Testifying at the trial of Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic, two state prosecution witnesses denied having threatened a protected witness to alter a statement. The protected witness, known as SM-102, said he was threatened by the witnesses, who investigated wartime killings in the village of Petkovci in the municipality of Zvornik.
A state prosecution witness testifying at the Ostoja Stanisic and Marko Milosevic trial said a Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) soldier named Vinko Radovic from Petkovci beat him while he was detained in Karakaj in 1993.
Na suđenju za genocid u Srebrenici, tužilac Predrag Tomić je osporavao zaključak vojnog vještaka da optuženi Ostoja Stanišić i Marko Milošević nisu dobili zadatke u vezi sa Srebreničanima koji su u julu 1995. dovedeni u Petkovce (općina Zvornik).